Saturday, May 17, 2008

Why I love Brooklyn

It's just one of those amazing days.

I stepped out of my apartment today onto the sunny, leafy streets of my neighborhood. Eastern Parkway was buzzing with locals all along the pathways busy with church events, community organizing meets and general stroll. The air was perfect at just the right temperature and not a cloud in the sky. As I headed east toward Park Slope, my sneakers felt like it had some extra bounce and I continued that bounce past the Brooklyn museum; its fountain in full working splendor and a large handful of observers lazily relaxing on the oversized cement bleachers and steps, sunbathing and chatting. The fountain shot up chunks of water and they'd glimmer like sliver dollars in their midair spin only to splat down to the water surface with playful claps.

Just beyond the museum is the monstrous opening to Prospect Park. There in the Plaza, in front of the Grand Army Arch, was the Saturday morning open market. Dozens of booths lined the opening sections of the park gates. It seemed as though every ethnic group was represented with excited, beaming shoppers hopping from booth to booth. The air was potent with the fragrance of flowers and fresh baked goods. I stopped by a booth and picked up an herb roll for 50¢ (!!) and nibbled it as I passed through.

Making my way along the slate sidewalks toward Park Slope, I stopped to check out what the homeowner called "a good old fashioned stoop sale" in front of his brownstone. Nothing really caught my eye, though he had a good literature selection for sale. I passed a few more before cutting through to 5th ave.

And here I am now at one of my favorite brunch places in Brooklyn sipping coffee and enjoying to atmosphere. I love days like this and I love being reminded why Brooklyn is my favorite borough. It's got that neighborhood feel with the Manhattan historical charm. I love where I am in life and I feel like I'm on the right track. I'm just going to soak it in until I head to Europe for the summer. I'll sure miss it while I'm gone.

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