Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Who are you calling elitist?!

Using her last muscle fiber in her cold, pitiful grip, Hillary continues to milk the "bitter" comment Obama used days ago in reference to how Americans feel toward their leaders and how they tend to vote. Distorting his meaning to the point that you'd think he punched a blind elderly lady, she continues to cast him as an elitist among the dreaded San Franciscans. With so much slimy, political crap spewing from her venomous mouth, it of course makes my fingers itch to go on a rant...

Cambridge Dictionary's definition of
elite: group noun [C]
the richest, most powerful, best educated or most highly trained group in a society

Keep that in mind.

First thing's first. She's drowning. Hillary's campaign has been one of the most fascinating train wrecks in political history. Keep this in mind: Hillary Clinton, in January of 2007, had all the toys in the sand box. We're talking about the mighty Clinton machine. She had everything. She had double-digit poll leads nationwide, a huge jump-start of super-delegates, name recognition - I mean, she was the first lady of one of the most successful presidents in decades for christ's sake. She had all of the "best" advisers, fund-raisers, supporters, organizers, networks and cohorts. So, why on Earth is she now desperately screaming and name-calling about one poorly worded, easily understandable statement about a fact that no one seems to want to admit: people vote on single issues (like guns or religion) because they feel as though their elected officials won't fight for the real issues they're suppose to be fighting (the economy, the housing crisis, unemployment, health insurance - basically the real issues that effect the average American) causing bitterness about the voting process?

It's because she knows very well where she stands in this race. She knows she has a less than 15% chance of convincing the super-delegates to go against the voice of the voters and hand her the nomination. She's desperate. She knows she has to win Pennsylvania by huge margins to even begin to have an argument worth arguing in regards to the nomination. And as we all know, when Hillary gets desperate, Hillary gets angry, ugly, immature and downright embarrassing. This is not the confident, collected, calm Hillary of Jan.-2007. This is a primal Hillary; throwing every last thing she has at Obama since nothing else has seemed to work. Forget the kitchen sink. That was thrown weeks ago. She's throwing herself with claws out.

Her behavior sustains the reason why so many Americans dislike her: power hunger. By choosing to put her campaign message on hold to attack so aggressively against a fellow Democrat in this fashion shows how much she couldn't give two shits if a Democrat gets elected as long as that Democrat is her. Does anyone really see her bowing out gracefully in June and pretending to back Obama? I can just see her locking her jaw for a grin and forcing her hands to clap at the convention. There's no line anymore with her. There's no grace. No class. No backup plan. No responsibility. It's all about her and not the party and its values. It's sad.

Now, I'm not saying that Obama can't take it. He and his campaign are gearing up for these kind of petty attacks from McCain and the GOP. These low tactics are, in fact, generally found in the GOP playbook. But as it's often said, there's ways to fight your enemies and there's ways to fight your family. Hillary seems to fight the Obama camp like an enemy. Hillary supporters are always quick to use the old "If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen" card, but that's irresponsible. Hillary fights as recklessly as she organizes in her campaign, and to desperately go after one ill-worded statement and twist it's meaning like that, only hurts the Democratic party than help her campaign. And here's why:

Hillary has lately gone into great length trying to paint Obama as an elitist - a big reason why many Americans felt disengaged from Kerry and Gore. She's trying to sink to the lowest of the low - if she can't win, no one can. Hillary was probably one of those kids who'd knock over the checker board if she realized she was about to lose.

Hillary, herself, is an elitist. Who in the hell does she think she's trying to portray herself to be? Does she expect us to forget how much richer she is than Obama? Oh, lets say 110 times richer?? Does she really expect us to believe that the single-parented, broken-homed, black candidate with the south-side Chicago community organizing background named Barack Hussein Obama is really the candidate of the two who could be labeled as "elitist"? Are you kidding me?! Does she really believe that? Apparently... because now she wants us to believe that she's a gun toting, God-fearing small-towner full of rage over the fact that someone could possibly have made such an assumption. Bull shit. That's almost as hard to swallow as how she can't seem to understand how Obama would view many Americans as "bitter" with the state of the country. Maybe it's hard to understand their bitterness when you're busy swimming in $110,000,000 from you and your husband's book and speech deals, selling the presidency.
Who's really out of touch here?

What Obama said (in admittedly rough terms) was that many Americans are frustrated and bitter with the state of the country and it's leaders to the point that they turn to the only things they feel are being heard such as guns, religion, etc. when going to the voting booth; single issue voters. My father is one of them. He figures that all politicians are alike when it comes to the financial, economic issues - that they won't look out for him. So, instead, he votes based on which candidate has the loosest policy on gun control instead of the candidate who is best qualified for serving the country and all (and I do mean all) of its people. This is a fact. And here's another fact for you: Millions of other voters feel that way too. Be it gun laws, abortion, same-sex marriage - you name it, these people will vote solely on those specific issues - and that is a big issue when running a campaign. These voters lose sight of the grander picture because they feel as though those are the only issues the president has any interest in pursuing. You got to hand it to Karl Rove during the last election - Keep the voters' minds off the economy or failed war. Keep their minds on abortion and guns and homophobia. Millions and millions of Americans are bitter that they can't afford their house or send their kids to college or afford health insurance or save for retirement. That is a cold, hard fact. And for Hillary to act shocked and pretend to misunderstand that fact is obviously misleading and is yet another lie to add to her pile. And for her to spin this around as if Obama was actually talking down about small-town Americans while calling him an elitist is revolting and slimy.

And above all of this, she repeatedly evokes the name of the city where Obama made the comment: San Francisco - knowing full well the connotation that comes along with that city and its citizens. I'm sure every San Franciscan is really appreciating being called elitists. I'm also sure she wouldn't be as crass if the California primaries weren't already over. And what's with her - and quite a few commentators - feeling like it's ok to label higher income, college educated voters "elite" or "the latte-sipping" voters (his strongest voting bracket)? Because heaven forbid Obama - or said commentators - label lower income, undereducated voters "dregs" or (let's be not-so-P.C. and say:) "racist white-trash" (her strongest voting bracket). It's somehow ok to label and name-call those who've been able to educate themselves but not the other way around.

But here's the reality: Obama has the ability to look beyond that. He sees that not every college educated American is a "latte-sipping" citizen. He also sees that not every undereducated American is "racist white-trash". He understands that this country is full of "elites" and "dregs" and "everything-in-betweens" and that they range in differences in religions, races, ideas, backgrounds, sexual preferences and education - but most importantly: They all are equally American. So as Hillary slings her new found guns and religion, Obama will continue to clarify what he meant by continuing to tell the truth - something Hillary's been having a hard time grasping.

Whew... my fingers are tired now. I needed that.

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