Saturday, July 18, 2009

Whew, this blog is stale.

I'm back to bloggin. 

I was talking to Jason recently about the possible reasons why I thought I seemingly abandoned my blog of a full year. I told him that when I started it, I was on tour and felt very isolated and unable to fully connect with my fellow tour mates. It was also during the presidential primaries, and being a very early Obama supporter (not to mention political Junky), I needed an outlet to spill my rants and thoughts pertaining to the most-amazing-political-race-in-history - especially when the last thing anyone on the tour wanted to listen to was my Obama soapbox sermons. 

But then I got back to New York and the entries became scant. I was working. I was busy. I was doing other things. But since that conversation, I've been thinking about it. I missed my little non-facebook-news-fed piece of interweb sky. It's therapudic. It's fun. And incidentally, a not so long lost friend of mine has started one of her own and her words are (as they've always been) inspiring and beautiful. 

So. My friends. I'm back. 


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