Monday, September 1, 2008

I hope all women in America share this sentiment

A Heartbeat Away From Cynicism
By Ruth Marcus
Washington Post 8/31/08

And my response...

What Ruth says is dead on. McCain's VP pick should be a slap in the face to all Hillary supporters. Women and men who supported Hillary felt that she had the experience and leadership to take on this country's problems - not simply because she had a vagina. Now, I may have had my problems with Hillary's candidacy (mainly her political ethics, judgement and candor) but I'm not blind to the reasons why people supported her. And for John "Skeletor" McCain to choose the least experienced and tested woman (or in this case: person) in presidential candidacy history, and expect those who supported the most experienced and tested woman in presidential candidacy history to just throw their support to her because they fit the same gender is outrageous and truly insulting.

This is to say that this is the main reason for picking her.

But they both give us little doubt that that is indeed the reason for picking her. With her reference to Hillary and "history making" in her speech to the crowd of Daytonians Friday, it was merely the cherry on top of their completely transparent cake of political maneuvering. And frankly, it's sad, desperate, and woefully obvious. Since she won't bring the knowledge, international (hell, even national) experience, or even name recognition to the table at this point in the game, it's obvious he chose her for two things: God fearin, gun slingin, right-wingers - and old Hillary supporters.

Well, here's a bit of news for you McSame, the right-wingers were already going to begrudgingly vote for you anyway (because they always vote in the name of abortion and guns. The God they seem to worship apparently told them that the best way to get the American people to see the light and stop killing babies and hugging trees, is to work through the political systems. Brilliant! I think I missed that Bible update memo where Jesus told mankind to force others with different views to live "righteously" through the corrupt hand of earthly law. You know, that part where he told us to demonize those who don't wear american flag lapel pins or sport the yellow ribbon on our super-sized SUVs? Who needs compassion or willingness to let others decide how to live their own lives in a free country anyway? Just make sure those queers can't enjoy the rights we possess when they too decide to dedicate their lives to each other. Oh yes, Jesus would be so proud to come down to Earth and see us legally forcing others to live their lives according to how we interpret the word of God. Wouldn't he just smile to see us pick and choose which phrases in the Bible we're going to dedicate our energy to oppressing others in His name? I'm too tired to actually do what Jesus did: live by example or spread the Word through actions and compassion. Jesus only did that because he didn't have email back then to smear anyone who thought differently than him. Hell, it's much easier and quicker to just vote it in or copy and paste the agenda through email forwards. Wouldn't he be so proud of the stuff we forward? Full of fair, balanced "facts". I just can't wait to see the look on His face when He sees how much sin judging I do for Him. Don't worry God, I got it covered down here. I can smell a sin a mile away and I'll vote that sin away in your name. Kudos, me. Now lets go teach our children the same things! Oh, and don't forget about that sin, science. It's Satan in a test tube.)


Here's the other bit of advice I have for you, McTurd. Women aren't stupid. The Hillary supporters aren't all deaf, dumb and blind. They tend to be able to read and think on their own too. And here's something you might want to think about: they just might catch on that the only thing these two women have in common are their genitalia.

"Go, get em for daddy, sweetheart..."

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