Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Few Notes on Vienna

6 interesting things I've found in the city of Vienna, Austria:

1.) Cheap eats = Kebaps! And these suckers are delicious. So big, that even I couldn't finish it. Can you believe that?!

2.) Several clothing stores pose their mannequins as if they are frozen in a random action. Example: I passed by this mens clothing store and the three business suited mannequins were positioned as if they were running and leaping in the air. Wiring was threaded in the clothing to simulate the flapping tie and jacket sides to an impressively extensive detail. Another store, a lingerie boutique, positioned their scantly clad lady mannequin (complete with anorexic rib bone detail, nonetheless) pressing her hands up against the window as she was bent over at the waist. She was a classy girl. 

3.) Small children were cuter when they were speaking French along the western swiss border than the ones speaking German here. 

4.) People take their pedestrian traffic signals seriously. In New York, if a car isn't speeding past a crosswalk three feet away from you, aiming straight for your kneecaps, we pedestrians will pedestriate, goddamnit... Here, on the other hand, a tumbleweed will blow through the intersection and the typical Austrian will seriously hesitate with nervous anxiety before choosing to betray the red signal and cross - that's if they're so daring.

5.) I'm not lying when I tell you I saw a dude with no legs and one arm getting around on a skateboard. 

6.) The mile long outdoor market called Naschmarkt is quite the amazing experience. Vast amounts of fresh produce is displayed and available with almost every vendor shoving samples in your face. The smells were incredible. 

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